Monday, December 10, 2018

Home Remedy for Hyperhidrosis

Home Remedy for Hyperhidrosis


An excellent home remedy for hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating is the infusion of sage, since the plant has anti-sudorific property, which prevents and regulates the overproduction of perspiration, being useful in cases stress, anxiety, and during menopause .
In most cases, the salvia use can reduce to half the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.


  • 500 ml water
  • 2 tablespoons (tea) leaf sage


Add ingredients and let stand for 3 minutes. Then strain it and drink up to 2 times during the day.
In addition to this home remedy for hyperhidrosis can be used deodorant or antiperspirant creams such as Nivea Dry Impact, Vichy Cream Antiperspirant or Rexona Clinical, prescribed by dermatologist or general practitioner.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Home Remedy for Cough in pregnancy

Home Remedy for Cough in pregnancy


A great home remedy for cough in pregnancy is the syrup with honey, orange and ginger, as the honey soothes the throat region, relieving cough, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and expectorants that facilitate the removal of phlegm and orange is rich in vitamin C, which enhances the body's defenses and helps fight infection.
The cough medicines during pregnancy should be avoided, however, if needed, must always be indicated by the obstetrician, because most drugs impair pregnancy.


  • 5 tablespoons (soup) of honey
  • 2 cm Ginger
  • 1 lemon in shell
  • 2 oranges in shell
  • 2 cups water


Cut the orange and lemon into cubes and put all ingredients in a pot to boil. After boiled cap until cool, strain and drink 1 tablespoon of syrup, 2 times a day.
In addition to this home remedy for cough in pregnancy, the pregnant woman should avoid cold places, very polluted or dust in the air.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Home remedy for hemorrhoids in pregnancy

Home remedy for hemorrhoids in pregnancy


An excellent home remedy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy is the sitz bath with onions, as onions have antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain, swelling and discomfort of hemorrhoids.
The hemorrhoids are common in pregnancy due to increased pressure in the pelvic area and the increased weight of the pregnant during pregnancy. It usually causes symptoms such as pain when defecating and sit, itching and pain in the anus and chat near the anus region.
This home remedy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy helps relieve the symptoms, however, if the hemorrhoids do not pass, the pregnant woman should consult an obstetrician to assess the hemorrhoids and indicate the best treatment that can be done with proper medications or ointments for use in pregnancy, since most of ointments or medicines can not be used in pregnancy.

Onion tea sitz bath

  • Boil water
  • 1 large onion in shell
Fill a large bowl with boiling water, cut the onion into pieces keeping the shell and then put it in the bowl shell. When the warm water, sit without underwear in the bowl for 15 minutes. Making the seat bath to relieve the symptoms.
In addition to this home remedy, it is important that pregnant use cotton underwear, avoid scratching the anus, drink about two liters of water a day, increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber and avoid cleaning the anal area with toilet paper after evacuating, washing it with warm water and mild soap.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Home Remedy for mononucleosis

Home Remedy for mononucleosis

A great home remedy for mononucleosis is the echinacea tea as well as gargling with warm salt water, for both echinacea and salt have anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain and sore throat.
Mono or kissing disease is a viral infectious disease which is transmitted especially by saliva and which causes symptoms, such as fever, headache, increased lumps, especially the neck and whitish plaques with pus in the throat, It is sore and inflamed. The treatment can be done with resting, hydration and analgesics, anti-inflammatories and antipyretics prescribed.
So this home treatment for mononucleosis should not replace the treatment medically indicated, only serves to complement and help treat the disease faster.

Home Remedy for mononucleosis with echinacea

An excellent home remedy for mononucleosis is with echinacea because this herb has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties that help strengthen the immune system that is compromised in mononucleosis and relieve symptoms like headache, abdomen and throat inflammation.
  • 1 tablespoon (tea) leaf echinacea
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon (tea) passion fruit chopped leaves
Place the water to boiling and then boiled, putting the sheets echinacea and passion fruit.Let stand for 15 minutes, strain and drink the tea about 2 times a day.

Home Remedy for mononucleosis with salt

Another home remedy for mononucleosis contains salt, since salt has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help treat whitish plaques in the mouth and throat and relieving inflammation and pain.
  • 1 tablespoon (tea) salt
  • Glass of warm water
Place the salt in warm water, stir well, put a good sip in your mouth and gargle for as long as you can, without swallowing the liquid.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Home Remedy for rubella

Home Remedy for rubella

A great home remedy for rubella is chamomile tea because it has analgesic properties that help reduce the headaches and the individual's malaise.
Moreover, another home remedy for rubella is the infusion of Cistus incanus, which helps strengthen the immune system by facilitating the recovery of the organism.
As there is no specific treatment for rubella, the patient should rest at home and drink plenty of liquids, such as water, juice, tea, coconut water; but without drinking soft drinks or alcoholic beverages because they dehydrate.

Home Remedy for rubella with chamomile

The home remedy for rubella with chamomile contains aspirin, which is a substance with analgesic, capable of reducing the characteristics of rubella pain and lower fever.
  • 10 g of camomile
  • 500 ml water
Place the ingredients in a saucepan, boil for 5 minutes and let stand for about 10 minutes.Then strain it and drink up to 4 cups a day.

Home Remedy for rubella with cistus incanus

The home remedy for rubella with cistus incanus has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic properties that help strengthen the immune system, helping the body to fight infection.
  • 3 tablespoons (cha) of dried leaves of cistus incanus
  • 500 ml of boiling water
Add ingredients in a container and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain and drink up to 3 times a day.
A good tip is to complement this home remedy with acerola juice intake because it has vitamin C which also strengthens the body's defenses.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Dessert with chia to release the trapped intestine

Dessert with chia to release the trapped intestine

The dessert with chia to release the trapped intestine is great to help treat constipation because chia seeds are rich in fibers that regulate intestinal transit by stimulating their functioning and helping to release the trapped intestine.
This dessert made with grape juice and chia seeds, and help release the trapped intestine, also favors the proper functioning of cells throughout the body, because the grape is rich in antioxidants.

Grape gelatin with chia seed

  • 4 tablespoons (soup) of chia seeds
  • 1 full grape juice
Mix the chia seeds in grape juice and place in the refrigerator for 4 hours. The texture of the dessert after the refrigerator is drawn similar to the gelatin because of pectin, which is a type of soluble fiber. 
The juice used to make dessert may vary, not to get sick, but the amount of times you should eat depends on gut response. Initially should do 3 days in a row and after stool are easier to make can be taken two times a week to maintain regular intestinal transit.
Besides this dessert to release the gut, the individual should drink about two liters of water a day and increase the consumption of high-fiber foods such as oatmeal, papaya or kiwi and increase physical activity.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Home Remedy for dyshidrosis

Home Remedy for dyshidrosis

A great home remedy for dyshidrosis, which are the balls that appear on the palms of the hands and feet, causing itching, is the jasmine compress because it has emollient property, healing, soothing and relaxing.
Treatment for dyshidrosis should be indicated by the dermatologist and can be done with antihistamines drugs and anti-inflammatory ointments to help reduce itching. Thus, this home remedy for dyshidrosis should not replace treatment, but complement it.

Jasmine tea for dyshidrosis

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tablespoon (soup) of flowers Jasmine
Put the water to boil and then add the jasmine flowers. Allow to cool, strain, wet compresses or gauze in the tea and apply on the affected skin.

Tips to combat dyshidrosis

In addition to this home remedy for dyshidrosis, it is important that individuals follow some recommendations as:
  • Keep hands and feet well clean and dry;
  • Avoid contact with irritants, such as cleaning products, for example;
  • Apply a moisturizer every day, so that the skin is not dried or descame.
Despite the dyshidrosis no cure, this skin disease can be controlled and relieved symptoms if the individual makes the treatment indicated by the dermatologist correctly and adopt this care.