Monday, March 30, 2015

Invest in specific products and a visit to the dermatologist to treat dandruff.

Invest in specific products and a visit to the dermatologist to treat dandruff. 

"These are particles made up of dead cells that slough off the scalp when the rate of skin renewal is accelerated," explains Juliana Neiva, Dermatologist Rio de Janeiro. Often dandruff is one of the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis, inflammation of the skin in areas with high concentration of sebaceous glands. In the scalp, can reach eyebrows, cheek, ears and nose contour, causing burning, itching, redness, sores and hair loss. About 40% of Brazilians have dandruff, both men and women. But in them the picture tends to be more intense.
2 · It has to do with poor hygiene?
This is myth. The cause is genetic, but hormonal factors, stress and climate change can trigger and aggravate dandruff, which is not contagious. Under these conditions, it is common to increase the oil production by the sebaceous glands, which leads to proliferation of the fungus Malassezia (formerly Pityrosporum). Present on the skin of 90% of people in excess promotes inflammation and desquamation.

3 · It is true that there is dry and oily dandruff?

A. Yes. The first is thin, white, small, detaches itself from the resected scalp and falls like snow flakes on the shoulders and back. The second is bigger, thicker, yellow, and is adhered to the skin, surrounded by greasy hair strands at the time of the root.

4 · Worsening in the winter?

Dandruff can bother all year, but in the cold tends to be more pronounced. To prevent the skin from drying out due to low humidity, the sebaceous glands increase the production of oil. "The hot and long baths remove the oiliness of the scalp, stimulating the glands to work harder," says Angelica pepper, dermatologist of. This season also is abused more than carbohydrates and fatty foods, which favor the formation of flakes hated.

5 · Chapinha and dryer are allies or villains?

"Both increase dehydration of the hair, so it should protect them with Thermoset products," says Rio dermatologist. Yet it is better to use the dryer (a milder temperatures) to remove excess water than let your hair dry naturally. Hours with warm, moist scalp provide the ideal habitat for the fungus. Sleep with it wet, then, no way! Dandruff can get much worse! As for the flat iron, do not use with wet wires or too close to the scalp.
6 · What about chemical treatments?

Some can be harmful if the progressive brush with formaldehyde. "This substance weakens the skin of the scalp and can accentuate peeling," says Juliana.
Dandruff: 12 questions answered for you to get rid of the problem
If you have dandruff, avoid progressive, which can increase the problem. 
Photo: iStock / Thinkstock / Getty Images
Continuation of the matter.

7 · Is there a cure for dandruff?

No. However, the scaling can be controlled. The treatment acts on three fronts: normalize oil production by the sebaceous glands, reduce the proliferation of fungus and remove the accumulated scales. For this, we recommend the daily use of shampoos containing assets as zinc pyrithione (anti-inflammatory and antifungal), salicylic acid (works on renewal of dead cells) and ketoconazole (antifungal). Sometimes, topical lotions containing these assets are prescribed. In more intense and persistent tables can be an indication of anti-inflammatory and antifungal orally.

8 · These shampoos still stink and dry out the wires?

The formulations evolved. The modern anticaspas have more pleasant fragrances and moisturizers already provide assets such as allantoin, alpha bisabolol, ceramides and hyaluronic acid. Some of these products include antioxidants such as green tea, which help to combat irritation and strengthen the skin of the scalp. Search these ingredients on the package.Mentholated essences provide relief from itching.

9 · Consider using scrub to scalp?

The product is not suitable for those with dandruff. "May irritate skin that is already sensitive and aggravate the situation," warns Juliana Neiva.

10 · The way to wash the head make a difference?

"Use warm or cold water even in winter," advises Angelica pepper. After applying the shampoo, make a gentle massage of the scalp with your fingertips to activate circulation and help the active penetration. But no rubbing or scrubbing with nails (stimulates the production of sebum). Rinse hair well to remove residues of the scalp. The conditioner buildup, in particular, promotes peeling. Apply the conditioner and leave-in the middle to the wings, and never at the root.

11 · Laser can help?

Yes, in most resistant cases, now apply on the scalp laser diode, known by the acronym LED. Has low intensity and emits blue light, which has anti-inflammatory action. Are provided for 12 sessions, held twice a week.
12 · You can prevent the onset?

Yes, investing in healthy living and a balanced diet (curb fries, bacon, sausages and fatty sauces), and avoid very hot baths and dryers, choosing appropriate shampoo to your hair type and finding ways to cope with stress so that he will not manifest on the skin. "Dandruff is a chronic change that is always hanging around," says Juliana. At the slightest sign, start fighting. Do not expect increase.

Friday, March 27, 2015

How to Get Rid of Dandruff

                      How to Get Rid of Dandruff


Dandruff (Seborrheic Dermatitis) 
The dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis)is a chronic inflammation that normally manifests itself in parts of the body where there is increased production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. When this condition is established in the scalp, the call of dandruff .
Another possible expression of dandruff is through a naturally occurring fungus called Malassezia, which is located on the scalp of virtually all people. This fungus feeds on natural oils from the scalp and produces by-products and acids that cause irritation on the scalp.
Dandruff is manifested in the form of reddish lesions that itch and flake off. It may be dry or oily, and the oil is known as seborrhea . Seborrheic dermatitis is not contagious and is generally considered the most severe form of dandruff, is a disease in parts of the body where there is increased production of oil by the sebaceous glands.


  • Take - Small whitish flakes close to the scalp, near the root of the thread, visible only with scraping or brushing.
  • Moderate - The flakes are loose between the wires, being visible naturally - without any scraping or brushing process as.
  • Intense - marked desquamation of varying sizes flakes, abundant and visible on the hair surface and on the individual's shoulders.


The cause of seborrheic dermatitis is unknown. However, some factors may aggravate the situation, such as:
  • hormonal changes;
  • stress;
  • dry or cold weather;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • power low nutritional value, especially with lack of protein.


There is no definitive treatment for curing the seborrheic dermatitis, but no specific drugs for the skin and scalp able to control the symptoms. Among the best known are:
  • selenium sulfide;
  • zinc pyrithione;
  • corticosteroids;
  • ketoconazole;
  • alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA).
These can be used in the form of shampoos, conditioners or hair tonics , with very positive results in the control of dandruff.

Hair Hygiene

One of the basic care for those with dandruff is to strengthen hygiene even more. People can not leave periodically washing the hair because the hair hygiene is really fundamental. Washing contributes greatly to the removal of pollutants such as dust and eliminates excessive oiliness.
Furthermore, it is important to note that washing your hair every day not cause the fall of the wires, as some believe.


Another important resource for individuals with dandruff is to try to follow a healthier diet .
Therefore, to acquire healthy eating habits not only improves the problem of dandruff, but also help in a number of other problems related to the diet itself - for example,overweight, high cholesterol , among others.
So, including fruits, vegetables and protein foods, and avoid the use of animal fats and sugars in excess, helps the body become healthier and helps to improve the problem. A balanced diet is a great ally, because dandruff is also related to malnutrition and digestive disorders .

Massage Hair

To activate the circulation in the scalp, a recommended option is the capillary massage.To make it, you must press the scalp with your fingertips. It costs nothing to invest five minutes every day to develop this habit. Furthermore, the massage also functions as a relaxation technique.

Avoid Scratching

Try to resist scratching the spots, because your nails can hurt the scalp. If this happens, discontinue use of any medicinal shampoo and pass the daily use a milder shampoo, as a child, until the wounds heal.

Eliminate Sweat

After exercise or activities that cause sweating, attempt to take a shower and wash his head. Sweat irritates the scalp and speeds up the flaking of skin cells.

Tips products to treat dandruff

Dandruff (Seborrheic Dermatitis)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Some basic precautions help prevent or decrease the scaling

Some basic precautions help prevent or decrease the scaling


  • Wash the hair with cold or lukewarm water;
  • Do not rub the scalp with your nails , it stimulates the production of sebum;
  • anticaspas use shampoos, massaging with fingertips and lets them work for a few minutes;
  • attempt to control stress, favoring the excessive production of sebum.
Also use some homemade recipes help exfoliate the scalp, cleaning and even giving shine to oily hair .

Here are some homemade recipes to free you from the hassle of dandruff

  • 1 teaspoon (tsp) comfrey;
  • 1 teaspoon (tsp) rosemary ;
  • 1 teaspoon (tsp) nettle
  • 200 g witch hazel
Note:. Herbs can be fresh or dried.
How to:
Mix all ingredients and let steep for 5 days before using it.
After this time, massage the scalp after shampooing the hair, leaving it to act for some minutes and then rinsing, preferably with cold water.

  • 150 ml water
  • 50 ml of dye nettle
How to make and use:
Prepare a lotion with ingredients and apply on the scalp with cotton wool.
Should be used only every two or three washes.

  • 4 tablespoons (soup) of linden tea;
  • 500 ml of water.
How to make and use:
Mix the ingredients and applied after hair washing.

Mix 2 drops each of the following oils: lemon , rosemary the early and 1 tablespoon () almond oil.
Apply on the scalp, massaging it and rinse after two hours.

Preventing dandruff and other evils ...
Place a handful of each of the following herbs in a container: nettle, rosemary and salvia.
Add hot water. When the mixture has cooled, pour it on wet hair. Let sit for 15 minutes and rinse, preferably with cold water.
+ These herbs, and prevent dandruff, also inhibit the gray hair, relieve irritation of the scalp and reduce hair loss.