Thursday, October 1, 2015

Home Remedy for dyshidrosis

Home Remedy for dyshidrosis

A great home remedy for dyshidrosis, which are the balls that appear on the palms of the hands and feet, causing itching, is the jasmine compress because it has emollient property, healing, soothing and relaxing.
Treatment for dyshidrosis should be indicated by the dermatologist and can be done with antihistamines drugs and anti-inflammatory ointments to help reduce itching. Thus, this home remedy for dyshidrosis should not replace treatment, but complement it.

Jasmine tea for dyshidrosis

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tablespoon (soup) of flowers Jasmine
Put the water to boil and then add the jasmine flowers. Allow to cool, strain, wet compresses or gauze in the tea and apply on the affected skin.

Tips to combat dyshidrosis

In addition to this home remedy for dyshidrosis, it is important that individuals follow some recommendations as:
  • Keep hands and feet well clean and dry;
  • Avoid contact with irritants, such as cleaning products, for example;
  • Apply a moisturizer every day, so that the skin is not dried or descame.
Despite the dyshidrosis no cure, this skin disease can be controlled and relieved symptoms if the individual makes the treatment indicated by the dermatologist correctly and adopt this care.