Some basic precautions help prevent or decrease the scaling
- Wash the hair with cold or lukewarm water;
- Do not rub the scalp with your nails , it stimulates the production of sebum;
- anticaspas use shampoos, massaging with fingertips and lets them work for a few minutes;
- attempt to control stress, favoring the excessive production of sebum.
Also use some homemade recipes help exfoliate the scalp, cleaning and even giving shine to oily hair .
Here are some homemade recipes to free you from the hassle of dandruff
- 1 teaspoon (tsp) comfrey;
- 1 teaspoon (tsp) rosemary ;
- 1 teaspoon (tsp) nettle
- 200 g witch hazel
Note:. Herbs can be fresh or dried.
How to:
Mix all ingredients and let steep for 5 days before using it.
After this time, massage the scalp after shampooing the hair, leaving it to act for some minutes and then rinsing, preferably with cold water.
- 150 ml water
- 50 ml of dye nettle
How to make and use:
Prepare a lotion with ingredients and apply on the scalp with cotton wool.
Should be used only every two or three washes.
- 4 tablespoons (soup) of linden tea;
- 500 ml of water.
How to make and use:
Mix the ingredients and applied after hair washing.
Mix 2 drops each of the following oils: lemon , rosemary the early and 1 tablespoon () almond oil.
Apply on the scalp, massaging it and rinse after two hours.
Preventing dandruff and other evils ...
Place a handful of each of the following herbs in a container: nettle, rosemary and salvia.
Add hot water. When the mixture has cooled, pour it on wet hair. Let sit for 15 minutes and rinse, preferably with cold water.
+ These herbs, and prevent dandruff, also inhibit the gray hair, relieve irritation of the scalp and reduce hair loss.
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