Thursday, April 30, 2015

Home remedy for irritation on the scalp

Home remedy for irritation on the scalp

A great home remedy for irritation on the scalp is with apple cider vinegar, as well as tea tree oil, as these help in relieving itching and flaking characteristics of scalp irritation.

Home remedy for irritation on the scalp with apple cider vinegar

An excellent home remedy for irritation on the scalp is with apple cider vinegar because it promotes hair rejuvenation, helping irritation.
  • ¼ cup of vinegar
  • ¼ cup water
Mix the ingredients and place in a spray bottle. Then spray the mixture on the scalp, massaging with gentle movements by putting a towel around her head and leaving work for 15 minutes, washing the hair last.

Home remedy for irritation on the scalp with tea tree oil

The home remedy for irritation on the scalp with tea tree oil is widely used, mainly to help relieve the itching and reduce the scaling of the scalp.
  • 15 drops of oil of Melaleuca
Mix the oil in the shampoo and use it often when washing your hair.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How to stop the itchy scalp

  How to stop the itchy scalp

Feel now and then an itchy hair or any part of the body is normal. Now when the itching persists and begins to bother, it is best to check what is going on. At most we scratch the scalp , usually think soon lice. But this is not the only cause of itch , other factors may cause itching as a change of shampoo , the conditioner or dry skin. If itchy scalp is something that bothers you constantly in umComo we will explain how to end the itchy scalp .


  1. In case of excessive itchy scalp, the first thing you should do is to check if you do not deal with lice . Especially if you have children or live with young children. If you confirm the existence of lice, follow our advice with home remedies to combat lice .

  2. If eliminated the hypothesis of lice, trychanging shampoo , conditioner, hair mask or any other product that uses the hair frequently, it may be that the cause of the itch.Always try to avoid the same shampoo, even if it do wonders to your hair. Always use the same shampoo makes the hair go used to it and lose shine and strength.
  3. Each time you wash your hair should dry it completely, especially if washing your hair at night. Going to bed with wet hair increases the growth of fungi and bacteria, which increases the oiliness in hair, in addition to causing itching. So when you wash your hair dry thoroughly with a towel or preferably with the dryer.
  4. Another thing you should also take care to prevent itchy scalp is the ingredients of the products you use. If you have any hair product that contains alcohol in its composition, delete it. Alcohol is a strong drying agent, which can easily cause itching.
  5. But if the itching is already installed, know that there are some home remedies you can use to alleviate the problem. One of them is to create a folder with two bananas and avocado .Apply on the scalp and if you also want the hair length, and leave it for 30 minutes. After this time, rinse thoroughly. These fruits have great moisturizing properties that will help dry scalp.
  6. Another home remedy also quite effective is the apple cider vinegar . Mix half a cup of vinegar with water half and place in a vial spray. Spray the scalp, make a gentle massage and put a towel around the head. Let stand for about 15 minutes and wash your hair normally.
  7. The jojoba oil is an excellent moisturizer and you can apply it on the scalp, making a massage. This process may be repeated once a week.
  8. The aloe vera is known for its numerous benefits both medicinal and beauty. If you have a plant aloe vera at home , cut a leaf and enjoy the gelatinous substance within. Place this folder directly on the scalp, leave it for 30 minutes and wash normally. You will see how it will moisturize your dry scalp.
  9. The witch hazel is an herb that can be used to solve this problem. Mix a portion of the grass with two of water and apply on the scalp.Massage, leave act for about 15 minutes and rinse.
  10. If you want to read more articles similar to how to end the itchy scalp , we recommend that enter our category of hair problems or falling in our news bulletin .

Friday, April 24, 2015




First, examine it to see if there is not a seborrheic eczema or psoriasis.

These two diseases are common. We observed significant redness and flaking of the scalp . It can be seen more often, a thin, adherent dandruff and scalp a little red. These factors reflect an irritation due to external products. We can also not to forget us of lice ! I constantly find nits.


Itching may accompany a globally sensitive skin.

I question my patients about the frequency of washes and the type of shampoo they use. The very frequent washing with shampoos not adapted , can trigger a chronic irritation, itching source . You can install a vicious cycle: the itch, inflammation is increased. Drying with excessive temperature can also harm the scalp. Should not be underestimated the stress, as this significantly aggravates the urge to scratch.


I begin by treating the cause.

There are effective treatments in the aforementioned pathologies. If it is an external irritation , explain to the patient the importance of using mild shampoos ; of rinse well and not use keratolytic shampoo daily. There are products post-shampoo cosmetics to appease the scalp very sensitive. The brushing should be very soft. Act against stress is more difficult, but the awareness may in itself be beneficial.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Scalp and care - dandruff, itching and drop wires

Scalp and care - dandruff, itching and drop wires 

The cold can become more frequent diseases associated to the scalp. Who suffers from dandruff, itching and fall of the wires must redouble care. With the arrival of winter, a period marked by cold and dry by the time the scalp diseases usually worsen. Increasingly frequent, dandruff, falling wires and itching are some of the problems that keep on bothering this time of year. Therefore, care must be redoubled.

Seborrhea or dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis) is one of the most common diseases in the season. It affects about 2-5% of the population and is more common in males. It may be more intense in newborns and from adolescence. According to the dermatologist Gilvan Alves, adolescents, due to hormonal stimulation, the sebaceous glands are most active, so teenagers are more prone to the problem.

"Dandruff is due to an excess oil produced by an increased secretion of the sebaceous glands that exist on the skin. She has chronic character, prone to periods of improvement and worsening. The winter is among the most bad times, because with cold and dry weather the skin becomes irritated and inflamed, "says the expert. 

Stress and fatigue related to the accelerated pace of life can also be triggering factors for dandruff to appear or worsen.

Already itching of the scalp is variable. With the cold or stress, may get worse. "Because it is a chronic disease, it is important to use drugs, as appropriate shampoos. The excess sebum creates a favorable environment for the development of dandruff," says dermatologist.

Yarns fall

Hair loss affects a large number of people and can bring emotional consequences for both sexes. For the dermatologist Gilvan Alves, this emotional problem comes from the dawn of humanity because all people care enough with the hair.

In addition to the emotional, hair loss, also known as alopecia, can be a consequence of changes in the hair follicle. "If these changes are non-destructive capillary array, a new growth occurs. If they cause destruction of the hair matrix, resulting in the formation of wounds producing permanent fall," he explains.

Inflammation of the skin, for example psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, may occur on the scalp and other body parts. Note that the diagnosis of diseases is always done by a dermatologist who will prescribe the best treatment for each case.

. Look wash your hair with warm water to cold, with temperatures around 22 ° C; 
. Do not sleep with wet or damp hair and; 
. Use shampoos for your hair type and conditioner only on the tips; 
. Do not use products or take pills without medical advice; 
. Eat healthy, drink water and try to avoid stress; 
. A dermatologist at the first suspicion of any type of scalp disease.


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Get rid of itchy scalp with 8 home remedies

Get rid of itchy scalp with 8 home remedies

Those suffering from itchy scalp know how much it can be nasty! Often the cause dryness of the skin to peel, which, in addition to bother, tends to leave the ugly wires and dirty look.
The good news is that it is not always necessary to invest in chemical treatments or spend on expensive products to get good results. There are many ways to improve irritation and leave even healthier wires with the ingredients you have at home.
If you are looking for simple and natural solutions, check below 8 and effective homemade recipes to eliminate the problem!

1. Baking soda

This is one of the easiest tips! Make a fine paste dissolving baking soda in water and apply on the scalp. Let stand for about 10 minutes and then wash normally. For an even better result, you can rub a little olive oil on the scalp before applying the mixture.

2. Avocado and Banana

In addition to relieving the itch, this treatment is also great for hydrating the wires. Just knead two bananas and mix with an avocado. Apply the paste to the scalp (and, if you like, the hair too), let stand for 30 minutes and rinse well. Both fruits are nutritious and hydrating properties, which will do very well to dry scalp.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Another cheap and effective remedy is apple cider vinegar. Mix ¼ cup of vinegar ¼ cup water and place in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the scalp and massage, then put a towel around the head and wait 15 minutes. Then, just wash and see the effect.

4. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a medicinal herb The used to help in the treatment of small superficial wounds of the skin, and can also work around the problem. Just mix a portion of the herb for two of distilled water and pour on the scalp. Massage well, leave it for a few minutes and rinse.

5. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is another cheap and effective remedy. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice to a glass of water and pour the mixture on the scalp. Rinse well with water and apply again. You can repeat the process daily until symptoms disappear. But attention: wash well after the procedure, because the lemon can lighten dark hair. In addition, this recipe is not recommended if your skin has some kind of wound or irritation, it can burn.

6. Melaleuca oil (tea tree oil)

Melaleuca oil is a versatile ingredient for many home remedies and can help ease the itching and flaking. Mix 10-20 drops of the oil in a cup of shampoo and use the product normally when washing your hair. You can also combine 2 or 3 drops of tree oil a spoon (soup) of vegetable oil to massage the scalp and help unclog hair follicles.

7. Jojoba

Jojoba oil is an excellent natural moisturizer. Experts say its molecular structure is very close to the actual skin's natural oil, and why it is so effective in treatments to rejuvenate and moisturize. You can use a bit of Jojoba oil to massage the scalp. Repeat the process once per week.

8. Aloe

If you have any type of plant Aloe vera (known as aloe vera) around, enjoy! She is an amazing natural remedy. Cut a aloe leaf, and remove the gelatinous substance that it releases. Apply this "folder" directly to the scalp, leave it for about 30 minutes and wash as usual.
Remember, depending on the intensity of your problem, it is important to seek the advice of a dermatologist to assess the case and the best form of treatment.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How Ending Itchy Scalp

              How Ending Itchy Scalp

Occasionally you get itchy on your scalp. Maybe you switched shampoo, conditioner, or simply did nothing and his head began to itch. There are some things that can cause this - as dry skin, or accumulation of products - but it is an easy thing to deal with, and we will show you how.

Method 1 of 2: Hair Care

  1. Get Rid of Itchy Scalp an Step 1.jpg
    Change products. Testing a new shampoo and conditioner for two weeks will help remove any buildup that resulted from constant use of their traditional brand.
    • Another thing that you can use if you are without money or do not want to buy another shampoo is olive oil, mayonnaise and broccoli puree; mix everything and rub into your scalp. Olive oil reduces oiliness, mayonnaise hydrates, get rid of lice and adds shine while the clean broccoli deeply. You can also use an egg to nurture.


  1. Get Rid of Itchy Scalp an Step 2.jpg
    Dry your hair thoroughly every day. wet hair will make the products accumulate, and your hair will be subject to the drying action of evaporation, which can lead to itching. Even worse, mold can grow in your hair! You should definitely want to prevent it.
  2. Get Rid of Itchy Scalp an Step 3.jpg
    Take care of your hair. Brush or comb your hair two to three times a day to distribute the natural oils, giving special attention to the scalp. Brush gently!
  3. Get Rid of Itchy Scalp an Step 4.jpg
    Check the products you use. Throw away any hair product that contains alcohol from their daily care. Alcohol is a powerful desiccant and can easily cause an itching attack.
  4. Get Rid of Itchy Scalp an Step 7.jpg
    Use a good conditioner. Your conditioner adds shine but also conditions your hair and adds revitalizing fiber and nutrients. If you do not have a good conditioner, you can use yogurt; it moisturizes and adds antioxidants that nourish your hair and reduce redness.

Method 2 of 2: Body Care

  1. Sunburn ouch 3.jpg
    Look for sunburn. In the summer, especially in the first warm days, it is easy to get burns on his scalp. Just like anywhere else along the healing process, scalp itches. Use a shampoo or conditioner aloe vera to relieve itching.
  2. Male human head louse 12.jpg
    Look for lice. The itching may be due to reaction of your skin to louse saliva. Yes, it's disgusting, but it is easy to get rid of. Have someone check your head behind the animals or their eggs - called nits - stuck near the base of the hair strands.
    • Use a shampoo treatment directly, wash all your clothes and linens that you used in very hot water, then dry at least 20 minutes.
    • Email for cleaning all products that are not washable (including soft toys).
    • Pass the vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture.
    • Dip products you spend on hair (combs, brushes, clips, etc.) with alcohol or shampoo treatment for an hour.
  3. 3
    Relax. Stress devastates your body in general, and this may come to light on your scalp as well. If the itch spread to your neck and face (but no signs of oil or other types of infections), and you have a life with a lot of stress, this may be the problem.
  4. Get Rid of Itchy Scalp an Step 5.jpg
    Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. You can easily be dehydrated, and your scalp is an area that critically needs water. Talk to your doctor and he or she will tell you how much water you should take daily for their age and weight.
  5. Get Rid of Itchy Scalp an Step 6.jpg
    Consider taking supplements of vitamin E. These supplements contain essential oils that are very healthy for your skin and help keep it moisturized.

  6. 6
    . Talk to your doctor if the itch continue intense, there are some problems with the scalp which are symptoms of something more serious: Herpes zoster, fungal infections such as tinea Amiantacea or Lichen Planopilaris, dermatitis, psoriasis, ringworm and other problems.



    • Be sure to keep your nails very clean, because you can scratch the scalp during sleep.
    • No matter how tempting it is, do not scratch! Scratching will only worsen the problem.
    • Brush your hair with a clean, soft brush will improve blood circulation and spread natural oils that will help alleviate this condition.