Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How to stop the itchy scalp

  How to stop the itchy scalp

Feel now and then an itchy hair or any part of the body is normal. Now when the itching persists and begins to bother, it is best to check what is going on. At most we scratch the scalp , usually think soon lice. But this is not the only cause of itch , other factors may cause itching as a change of shampoo , the conditioner or dry skin. If itchy scalp is something that bothers you constantly in umComo we will explain how to end the itchy scalp .


  1. In case of excessive itchy scalp, the first thing you should do is to check if you do not deal with lice . Especially if you have children or live with young children. If you confirm the existence of lice, follow our advice with home remedies to combat lice .

  2. If eliminated the hypothesis of lice, trychanging shampoo , conditioner, hair mask or any other product that uses the hair frequently, it may be that the cause of the itch.Always try to avoid the same shampoo, even if it do wonders to your hair. Always use the same shampoo makes the hair go used to it and lose shine and strength.
    Photo: nadafragil.com.br
  3. Each time you wash your hair should dry it completely, especially if washing your hair at night. Going to bed with wet hair increases the growth of fungi and bacteria, which increases the oiliness in hair, in addition to causing itching. So when you wash your hair dry thoroughly with a towel or preferably with the dryer.
    Photo: seligamulher.com.br
  4. Another thing you should also take care to prevent itchy scalp is the ingredients of the products you use. If you have any hair product that contains alcohol in its composition, delete it. Alcohol is a strong drying agent, which can easily cause itching.
    Photo: cosmeasia.com
  5. But if the itching is already installed, know that there are some home remedies you can use to alleviate the problem. One of them is to create a folder with two bananas and avocado .Apply on the scalp and if you also want the hair length, and leave it for 30 minutes. After this time, rinse thoroughly. These fruits have great moisturizing properties that will help dry scalp.
    Photo: produtosdebeleza.com
  6. Another home remedy also quite effective is the apple cider vinegar . Mix half a cup of vinegar with water half and place in a vial spray. Spray the scalp, make a gentle massage and put a towel around the head. Let stand for about 15 minutes and wash your hair normally.
    Photo: sermulher.blog.br
  7. The jojoba oil is an excellent moisturizer and you can apply it on the scalp, making a massage. This process may be repeated once a week.
    Photo: misturando-beleza.blogspot.pt
  8. The aloe vera is known for its numerous benefits both medicinal and beauty. If you have a plant aloe vera at home , cut a leaf and enjoy the gelatinous substance within. Place this folder directly on the scalp, leave it for 30 minutes and wash normally. You will see how it will moisturize your dry scalp.
    Photo: adrianeboneck.com.br
  9. The witch hazel is an herb that can be used to solve this problem. Mix a portion of the grass with two of water and apply on the scalp.Massage, leave act for about 15 minutes and rinse.
    Photo: semstress.com
  10. If you want to read more articles similar to how to end the itchy scalp , we recommend that enter our category of hair problems or falling in our news bulletin .

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