Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Home Remedy for rubella

Home Remedy for rubella

A great home remedy for rubella is chamomile tea because it has analgesic properties that help reduce the headaches and the individual's malaise.
Moreover, another home remedy for rubella is the infusion of Cistus incanus, which helps strengthen the immune system by facilitating the recovery of the organism.
As there is no specific treatment for rubella, the patient should rest at home and drink plenty of liquids, such as water, juice, tea, coconut water; but without drinking soft drinks or alcoholic beverages because they dehydrate.

Home Remedy for rubella with chamomile

The home remedy for rubella with chamomile contains aspirin, which is a substance with analgesic, capable of reducing the characteristics of rubella pain and lower fever.
  • 10 g of camomile
  • 500 ml water
Place the ingredients in a saucepan, boil for 5 minutes and let stand for about 10 minutes.Then strain it and drink up to 4 cups a day.

Home Remedy for rubella with cistus incanus

The home remedy for rubella with cistus incanus has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic properties that help strengthen the immune system, helping the body to fight infection.
  • 3 tablespoons (cha) of dried leaves of cistus incanus
  • 500 ml of boiling water
Add ingredients in a container and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain and drink up to 3 times a day.
A good tip is to complement this home remedy with acerola juice intake because it has vitamin C which also strengthens the body's defenses.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Dessert with chia to release the trapped intestine

Dessert with chia to release the trapped intestine

The dessert with chia to release the trapped intestine is great to help treat constipation because chia seeds are rich in fibers that regulate intestinal transit by stimulating their functioning and helping to release the trapped intestine.
This dessert made with grape juice and chia seeds, and help release the trapped intestine, also favors the proper functioning of cells throughout the body, because the grape is rich in antioxidants.

Grape gelatin with chia seed

  • 4 tablespoons (soup) of chia seeds
  • 1 full grape juice
Mix the chia seeds in grape juice and place in the refrigerator for 4 hours. The texture of the dessert after the refrigerator is drawn similar to the gelatin because of pectin, which is a type of soluble fiber. 
The juice used to make dessert may vary, not to get sick, but the amount of times you should eat depends on gut response. Initially should do 3 days in a row and after stool are easier to make can be taken two times a week to maintain regular intestinal transit.
Besides this dessert to release the gut, the individual should drink about two liters of water a day and increase the consumption of high-fiber foods such as oatmeal, papaya or kiwi and increase physical activity.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Home Remedy for dyshidrosis

Home Remedy for dyshidrosis

A great home remedy for dyshidrosis, which are the balls that appear on the palms of the hands and feet, causing itching, is the jasmine compress because it has emollient property, healing, soothing and relaxing.
Treatment for dyshidrosis should be indicated by the dermatologist and can be done with antihistamines drugs and anti-inflammatory ointments to help reduce itching. Thus, this home remedy for dyshidrosis should not replace treatment, but complement it.

Jasmine tea for dyshidrosis

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tablespoon (soup) of flowers Jasmine
Put the water to boil and then add the jasmine flowers. Allow to cool, strain, wet compresses or gauze in the tea and apply on the affected skin.

Tips to combat dyshidrosis

In addition to this home remedy for dyshidrosis, it is important that individuals follow some recommendations as:
  • Keep hands and feet well clean and dry;
  • Avoid contact with irritants, such as cleaning products, for example;
  • Apply a moisturizer every day, so that the skin is not dried or descame.
Despite the dyshidrosis no cure, this skin disease can be controlled and relieved symptoms if the individual makes the treatment indicated by the dermatologist correctly and adopt this care.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Home remedy for ovarian cyst

Home remedy for ovarian cyst

An excellent home remedy for ovarian cyst is quixaba of tea because this herb has anti-inflammatory and healing properties that help desinflamar the ovarian cyst, which is a bag full of liquid that forms in or around the ovary , relieving symptoms such as pain in the pelvic region.
The treatment for ovarian cyst is generally not necessary because the cysts tend to disappear after 8 to 12 weeks. However, the gynecologist may prescribe oral contraceptives for 4 to 6 weeks to decrease the emergence of new ovarian cysts and, in some cases, surgery to remove the cysts may be required.


  • 1 tablespoon (soup) of bark quixaba
  • 500 ml water


Place the quixaba bark in water and put to boil. Once boiled, leave warm, strain and drink up to 2 cups of tea a day.
This home remedy for ovarian cyst is contraindicated for dependent diabetic women insulin because quixaba causes decreased levels of blood sugar.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Home remedies for canine dandruff

Home remedies for canine dandruff

Dogs can get nasty, tiny, white flakes in your hair, just like people do. Dog Dandruff is an accumulation of dry, dead skin cells and is common in dogs. It is often easy to eliminate dog dandruff with natural home remedies.

Balanced Diet 

Make sure the dog has a balanced diet, which is the right amount of fat, oil, calcium and vitamins. Lack of Vitamin C is often the source of skin problems.

Food Suplements 

Home remedies for canine dandruffLinseed oil can be added to dog food to give omega-3 fatty acids, which are needed to create a healthy rich coating. Other sources of omega-3 fatty acids are the oil and pumpkin fish. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and can provide the dog with a coat free of dandruff. A daily dose of vitamin E - 5 to 10 mg per kilogram of body weight - is acceptable.


Give the dog plenty of clean, fresh water. If possible, give cool water at each feeding.


After brushing the skin, rub lemon juice mixed with vinegar throughout the dog's body. This will help remove dandruff. After the massage, wash the dog with anti-dandruff shampoo.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

3 Home dandruff remedies, 3 natural remedies for dandruff

3 Home dandruff remedies, 3 natural remedies for dandruff

Dandruff is one of the most common complaints of hair. Nobody likes having to walk with these heavy scales on hair and shoulders. This is why you should not just try any of these home remedies, if you are suffering from such problems. Are all sencilos implement elemenos and found the hand of all. Try your preferred option.

Here are three good natural remedies for dandruff:

Celery trick and vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is recognized as one of the best remedies for dandruff, generating a context that is not ideal for the spread of it. You can try it combined with celery course this trick.

Aloe Vera Solution: In addition to all the other properties that can assigned to them, aloe vera also helps dandruff. To use it, you just have to mix the pulp and apply it directly to your hair. So you can see how this discomfort begins to disappear.

Rosemary Solution: Another simple trick to fight dandruff is to mix rosemary, mint or mint and apple cider vinegar. The astringent properties of this preparation is can be lethal against dandruff.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Remedies for Dandruff How To

Remedies for Dandruff How To

Natural home remedies for dandruff work more effective and safer than other options form. Ready to say goodbye to dandruff flakes and itchy scalp!

More than 50 million Americans are plagued by an embarrassing problem called dandruff, which easily leads people to try some counter measures to solve the problem. The problem gets worse in the summer and becomes more evident when people wear clothes in deep colors. You can maintain a healthy hair care routine to keep things under control. Sometimes it easy to follow the natural home remedies work more effectively than other treatment options. They can take a while to produce results, but they really work! Ready to say goodbye to dandruff!

Baking soda can eliminate dandruff effectively because it is alkaline in nature. You can gently remove dead skin and has a magical effect "scrub" on your scalp.

How to use:

Prepare a water paste and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Wash your hair with clean, warm water.

Apply this paste on your scalp.

Massage it for a few minutes.

Wash it again with pure water.

Aloe vera can act as an effective remedy for dandruff, all thanks to its anti-fungal properties that keep your scalp clean. He also leaves a soothing sensation that eliminates the itching.

How to use:

Apply aloe vera gel on your fingers and gently massage into your scalp dry and clean hair.

Let for 30 minutes and rinse it with water. You can also use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.

Note: You can get the aloe vera gel or spoon out of aloe plant.

White vinegar is one of the best home remedies dandruff mainly because it contains acetic acid, which prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria on your scalp.

How to use:

Make a solution of 3 parts water and one part vinegar and use it while washing hair.

You can also use vinegar directly on your scalp and leave it there overnight. And it w ash with water in the morning.

You can treat your scalp with apple cider vinegar to get rid of dandruff. He kills the yeast, restoring the natural pH balance. It also serves as a natural clarifier and opens clogged pores.

How to use:

Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of water soup and 20 drops of oil of tea tree together.

Massage it gently and leave it on your scalp for a few minutes.

Rinse with clean water.

Do it twice a week to see positive results.

Dryness of the scalp, often leads to dandruff, but you can treat this condition with virgin olive oil, which serves as a natural moisturizer.

How to use:

Massage with extra virgin olive oil virgin slightly hot on your scalp and wrap the hair in a towel for 30 minutes.

Brush your hair thoroughly before you wash it.

The imbalance in the scalp pH causes dandruff, but you can use lemon juice to solve the problem. With lemon juice, you can restore the pH balance and eliminate dandruff. You can also use coconut oil with lemon to remove bacteria.

How to use:

Make a mixture of 5 parts of coconut oil and lemon juice 1 part.

Apply it gently on your scalp and leave it there for 30 minutes.

Use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.

The tea tree oil has antifungal properties and can be in the list of home remedies effective for dandruff.

How to use:

Tea tree oil works as an antiseptic, so you just need to use it when washing your hair. Just make sure to massage it for a few minutes before washing.

Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and when mixed with oil which improves circulation and stimulates hair growth. The active components, such as volatile oils function surprisingly well for removing dandruff.

How to use:

Grate ginger first and squeeze it hard in gauze for the oil.

Mix gengibreóleo with four ounces of sesame oil in a small cup.

Apply it on your hair and leave it there for a while.

Wash it using a mild shampoo.

Using neem leaves (an Indian herb) is an effective option to have more clean healthy scalp. This all-natural remedy works well to relieve itching. This limits the growth of dandruff due to their antifungal properties.

How to use:

Take 4 cups of hot water and put 2 handfuls of neem leaves in it.

Leave it for the night. Strain the liquid in the morning and wash your hair with it.

You can also make a paste of these leaves and apply it directly to the scalp. Leave it there for an hour before washing it with water.

It is among the simplest home remedies for dandruff. It contains salicylates that help you get rid of dandruff.

How to use:

Get two aspirin tablets and crush them hard to make a fine powder.

Mix it in your regular shampoo and use this mixed shampoo to wash your hair.

Note: You can wash your hair again with simple shampoo to ensure no dust left aspirin on your scalp.

Along with trying the above remedies for dandruff, you can also make use of some anti-dandruff shampoos with antifungal and antibacterial agents. Use your daily shampoo at the beginning of their dandruff control, and use it only twice a week.
health id = "Tips1"> Learn to relax the nerves because stress can trigger dandruff.
Sticking to a diet rich in B vitamins, zinc, and certain types of fats to keep dandruff at bay.
Go out and spend some time in the sun, as sunlight can help you get rid of dandruff. Do not go overboard with the idea of ​​absorbing the UV rays, they can damage the skin.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Learn how to stop dandruff

Learn how to stop dandruff

Itching, irritation on the scalp, wires seem dirty and malcuidados ... Who suffers from dandruff lives behind a permanent solution to this problem. But as yet no cure, it is necessary to control it. Dermatologists Valcinir Bedin and Adilson Costa, hair experts answer the most common questions on the subject so that you can avoid it in the bud and use black clothes without fear have covered in white dots shoulders.

Learn how to stop dandruff

Frequently asked questions and answers

What is dandruff?

"Dandruff is the shedding process of the skin of the scalp. Also known by the name of seborrheic dermatitis, it can be light, medium or severe," explains Valcinir Bedin.

1. Why only some people have dandruff? "Dandruff is influenced by genetic causes and hormonal changes that increase the oiliness of the scalp," says dermatologist Adilson Costa.

2. What worsens the dandruff? Stress, temperature variations - such as cold, dry air - poor hygiene of scalp and a diet rich in fats or refined carbohydrates (such as rice, pasta and white bread).

3. Wash your hair every day makes the problem worse? No. In fact, the ideal is to wash your hair every day, there is even more excessive oiliness or the scalp have an inflammatory condition.

4. The chemical in the hair makes the situation worse? Yes. When with the inflamed scalp, avoid dyes and straightening, which further irritate.

5. Dandruff affects more men or women? In which age group? According Bedin, dandruff also bothers men and women, but is most common in adults between 22 and 40 years.

6. It is transmitted? No. Even if you use the same comb or hair brush of who has the problem.

7. This illness is curable? "Not yet. Dandruff can accompany the person throughout his life, with periods of improvement and deterioration. However, with proper treatment can reduce symptoms such as itching and flaking," says Bedin.

8 . What are the daily care to prevent or alleviate the problem? According Bedin, the ideal is to shower with warm or cold water (remember: the hot water aggravates dryness). Another tip is to avoid stressful situations whenever possible. "Avoid still stick to damp hair for a long time and use a specific shampoo to treat dandruff three times a week," advises Adilson.

9. What a dandruff shampoo should contain? According to the dermatologist Adilson Costa, shampoos leading selenium sulfide, ciclopirox olamine or ketoconazole are efficient. Check the packaging of the products they have in the composition of these substances.

10. What tratamentomais indicated? If the use of dandruff shampoo is not enough to alleviate the problem, consult your dermatologist, which may indicate the application of special lotions or, in more severe cases, even a medication by mouth.

11. When you need to call the doctor? When symptoms of itching or flaking decrease, despite the use of anti-dandruff shampoo.

12. The dandruff shampoo does not dry your hair? No. Current products contain moisturizing actives. But use only an equivalent amount to a real one currency (for long hair).

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Home remedies to fight dandruff

Home remedies to fight dandruff


If you are tired of seeing their white shoulders, it's time to eliminate dandruff and wearing a black suit with no concern. Here we will explain you how to prepare home remedies to fight dandruff .
Nothing bothers more than this, but we can avoid all this embarrassment and prepare some home remedies that eliminate the problem of dandruff. We will provide here some home remedies to end this suffering and you can re-use their black clothes without any concern.
Home remedy for dandruff celery base
Celery helps eliminate these dead cells are detached from the scalp to be attacked by fungus called Pityrosporum ovale. To do this boil a liter of water and when boiling, put some celery stalks and leaves. Simmer for 5 minutes, then let cool slightly and already apply on the scalp.
Home remedy for dandruff based lemon
This mixture should be applied after using the shampoo. After rinsing, use the fresh lemon juice. This not only prevents dandruff, but also gives the hair a more intense shine
Home remedy for dandruff beet base
Beets can be enjoyed not only in salads, but also a partner in this important task of removing dandruff. Boil 1 liter of water to the roots of beets, especially the white and the water massage your scalp with your fingertips.
Home remedy for dandruff cider vinegar base
Use cider vinegar to fight dandruff. To remedy this dilute cider vinegar with an equal amount of water and uses it after using the shampoo. 
It also can mix it with a little salt and lime in a container that allows to place the hair in the form of spray. Then leave it on the hair for a few minutes and wash as usual.
Home remedy for dandruff to apple juice base
Vinegar can leave an odor somewhat difficult to remove the acid, then the best substitute for vinegar is apple juice.Once the juice, mixed with three parts water and apply on the hair massaging and leaving it to act for a while.Subsequently, wash and enxugamos.
Home remedy for dandruff thyme base and nettle
Finally, as if all these options are not enough, we can make a lotion with two tablespoons of thyme, nettle two and two glasses of water. Boil all ingredients for 10 minutes and set aside. Use this mixture to wash the hair after washing with shampoo . Use this mixture to wash the hair after washing with shampoo.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Remedy for Dandruff

Remedy for Dandruff


remedy for dandruffWhen considering the health of hair, dandruff is one of the biggest problems related to them. Uncomfortable, it passes a bad image, although not caused by negligence or lack of hygiene. Want to know how to stop dandruff? Continue reading this text and you should know what it is, where to buy, prices, which the best remedy for dandruff and other information on the subject. Check it out!

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is known in medical circles as seborrheic dermatitis . It is a non-contagious chronic illness that affects parts of the body where there is an over production of oil by the sebaceous glands, which can be brought about by the fungus also known as Pityrosporum ovale and many veze, need a good remedy for dandruff .
It is characterized when the hair region, whitish particles that come off the scalp and fall on the shoulders, and are more evident on dark clothes. These particles result from the scaling process, i.e., elimination of dead hair cells.
how to stop dandruffThere are no studies that prove the causes of dandruff, but it is known that it can be triggered by changes in climate, changes in hormones and stress.
Fortunately, there are many types of remedy for dandruff running. Check out some suggestions on how to eliminate dandruff.

What is good for dandruff hair?

The dandruff treatment is done more with shampoos and not so much with remedies for dandruff themselves. Nevertheless, there are cases where even a good shampoo for dandruff can overcome the problem and the solution is from pros remedies, some of them orally.
Some medicines for dandruff shaped shampoo that can be used are: Clear, line Elsève dandruff, dandruff line Silk, Head & Shoulders, Klinse, Medicasp and Évora.

Anti-dandruff shampoos without salt

good shampoo for dandruffThere is a myth that dandruff shampoo without salt does a better effect than others who claim they are not free of this component in their formulas, with a great remedy for dandruff, in this case, those who have nothing salinity in its composition. So, do not stick to just buy shampoos (dandruff or not) with 0% salt because someone told you it's okay.
Find more about the products we consume is a habit we should have more and more to avoid frustrations.

How to choose the best shampoo for dandruff?

The choice will be through trial or if you consult with a professional such as a dermatologist, by indication. After a while of use, you should analyze the results that the product had to bring were present, as well as other effects it had on her hair and if there is a need to take medicine for dandruff .
If you become dissatisfied, change the brand and do the same test until you get the one that meets your needs.

Remedy names for Dandruff

As already explained, in more severe cases the use of a specific remedy for dandruff and stronger is required. However, these cases should be analyzed carefully because some of dandruff drugs ketoconazole-based listed below , which can be found in pharmacies and purchased without a prescription, can bring side effects. Meet some of them:
Arcolan: It is a remedy for dandruff and seborrhea in the form of shampoo, but different from other big brands precisely because the ketoconazole base. The 200 ml bottle can be found for an average price of $ 50.00. Lab: Galderma.
Candoral: Oral. Sold in boxes of 10 tablets having an average price of $ 30.00. Laboratory Aché.If you search for a anticaspas medication that works, the Candoral remedy can help!
Nizoral: Sold in the form of tablets, shampoo and cream. The first type has average price of $ 30.00; the second of R $ 45.00; and the third at $ 25.00. Produced by Janssen.

Its take hair dandruff naturally?

how to eliminate dandruffThere are some recipes that take natural products and promise to eliminate this problem, with people even use vinegar for dandruff In fact, some of them may promote the desired effect and play the role of an anti dandruff remedy, but precisely because they are natural there is risk that the problem is not solved, as each case is different and the body of each person will react differently to the components.
The same can be said for other products for dandruff as shampoos, but their formulas have been created for this purpose, ensuring that they work is higher, which will influence when choosing or not to use a remedy for dandruff.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Home remedy to stop dandruff

Home remedy to stop dandruff

How to stop dandruff

If you have tried everything to stop the hair dandruff and nothing works, this home remedy to eliminate dandruff will give the solution to the problem of dandruff and seborrhea of ​​your hair. Fast, simple and effective.

 Casero medicine to settle her dandruff No use trying to continue with chemicals that irritate the scalp and exacerbate the problem of dandruff. The solution is much simpler and is at your fingertips in your own home. See this recipe for eliminating dandruff . once and for all home remedy for eliminating dandruff ingredients:

baking soda, 2 tablespoons.
water amount needed
Dissolve in a little water the 2 tablespoons of baking.
Mix well to form a thick paste.
Method of application:
Apply this preparation on damp hair.
Let act for a few minutes.
Rinse with plenty of water.
Repeat two or three times per week until no dandruff.

Friday, May 8, 2015

How to eliminate dandruff with home remedies

How to eliminate dandruff with home remedies

The dandruff is generated due to an imbalance in the elimination of dead cells of the scalp process is then appear as white or yellowish these particles throughout the hair, unsightly and uncomfortable. It is essential to treat dandruff to get rid of it and prevent further hair problems. UmComo this article show some natural products that can be useful to stop this problem. Discover how to eliminate dandruff with home remedies .

How to eliminate dandruff with home remedies



1. A good home remedy for getting eliminate hair dandruff is to develop a tonic containing celery as a main ingredient. To prepare it, you just have to boil a liter of water and add a stalk of celery. Simmer 5 minutes more and wait until cool. Once you are ready to apply on the scalp and act as excellent anti-dandruff lotion.
Image: www.hogarutil.com

2. The lemon is also one of the best natural ingredients that can help fight dandruff and allow you to display a more healthy and shiny hair. The recipe is to prepare a hair rinse the lemon juice base. Squeeze a fresh lemon and apply the juice on the hair after shampooing.
Image: www.herbalius.com

3. A very popular home remedy in the treatment of dandruff is the use of apple cider vinegar . To prepare it you should dilute the apple cider vinegar with the same proportion of water. Place the mixture in a spray, apply to hair and leave act for 40 minutes or so. Then make a normal same wash. Notice how your hair is more silky and with a warm glow.

4. We already know the amazing properties of aloe vera in hair care , skin and health in general, but is also a perfect ally to end dandruff and seborrhea treat. You just have to get a Aloe Vera leaf, cut and remove the pulp for the gelatinous fluid inside. Ideally, massage your scalp with the gel and let it work for several minutes so that it penetrates well. Then rinse the hair and wash normally.
Image: productosyremedioscaseros.blogspot.com
5.Finally, we bring a great home remedy to eliminate dandruff to base beet . It may be surprising but this vegetable was built long ago, in many dandruff shampoos. To prepare it at home, boil the roots of a sugar beet, take the solution obtained and apply by massaging the scalp with your fingertips.
Image: www.encasadekristina.com

Finally, we bring a great home remedy to eliminate dandruff to base beet . It may be surprising but this vegetable was built long ago, in many dandruff shampoos. To prepare it at home, boil the roots of a sugar beet, take the solution obtained and apply by massaging the scalp with your fingertips. Image: www.encasadekristina.com

  1. 6.See also our article on how to prevent dandruff .
  2. 7. If you want to read more articles similar to how to eliminate dandruff with home remedies , we recommend that enter our category of hair problems or falling in ournews bulletin .